Feeling good at work!

We are committed to promoting the well-being of our employees through:
- Our collaborative spaces: offices and workspaces that encourage sharing and project work
Time for communication and discussion: monthly general sessions with all Group employees, "Brain Juice“, workplace league, green team,....
Our user-friendly spaces
Engaging employees in corporate philanthropy
Access to various wellbeing services
Balancing private and professional life

Recognizing and promoting work-life balance contributes to employee satisfaction and productivity and is one of the success factors for a company.
We help our employees to balance their professional, personal and family lives: better life and better work.
- The company is committed to the right to disconnect for its employees
- We offer good health insurance to all of our employees
- The possibility to adapt working time - through part-time work.
Working in a non-discriminating environment

19 nationalities represented in the Group!
56% women in our workforce
More than 525 employees, aged between 19 and 65!
As we are committed to developing a responsible corporate culture in line with our values, the fight against discrimination is one of the priorities of our human resources policy.
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