Our vision

For real estate with sustainable and shared benefits
Against a backdrop of climate urgency, we, in the real estate industry, face considerable challenges in terms of sustainable development, which require committed and concerted action by all players in the sector.
To help build the future of businesses and cities by developing healthy, sustainable real estate projects, we are determined to make Kardham a key player in the low-carbon sector. As a pioneering company, our social responsibility is to bring together the talents who want to and can have a positive impact on all our customers' operations, and to give them the means to express their full potential.
The challenges are numerous and interdependent, so we are focusing our innovation and R&D priorities on the 5 major areas of our commitment: reducing our carbon footprint, integrating the circular economy into our projects, controlling energy consumption, taking biodiversity into account and ensuring the well-being of occupants.
Corporate social responsibility, innovation and R&D, academic and professional partnerships are all dynamics activated to nourish the individual desire of each employee and our ambition as a Group to have an increasing impact on the environmental, social, organisational and economic transitions of cities and organisations.
Frédéric Stoppa
Associate Director in charge of Sustainable Development, Innovation and R&D