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Designing the buildings of tomorrow around innovative uses and new interactions means using academic research. Because we believe in the strength of the collective and in the openness of ideas, we share here, with you, the research conducted by our experts.
How to consider settling home office following a context of collapse of the ordinary
“A mobile world, always more mobile, a world of all types of mobility. A world where the more we move the more we telecommunicate; where you are mobile even at home and at home in transport; where mobility transforms and mixes time, distance, space; where the real and the virtual intermingle to merge; where work, commerce, value, the city, war, friendship, family - in short, society - are reinvented around mobility ". Kaplan and Lafont, 2004
March 17, 2020 will be remembered. On that date, an unprecedented episode of containment began in France to prevent the spread of an epidemic: the Covid-19. This for a then indefinite period precipitated millions of French people into teleworking without anticipation or preparation.
With the health crisis, the tendency to collaborate has strengthened
Collaborative seems to be the new injunction of the workplace. It infuses everywhere, from space to furniture to services. Ursula Raidt, director of strategic and international development at Kardham, gives us her vision of this announced change.
Home office, an organizational success?
Kardham conducted a survey to capture the experience of working remotely during and after lockdown. The objective was to measure the feelings of employees to understand how this experience upset their work environment, in an organizational and spatial sense. More than 3000 employees belonging to 8 organizations from different sectors have therefore assessed 65 criteria which cover all the dimensions of the work environment: daily management, performance at work, relations with others and with the company, management and information sharing.
The questionnaire also included an exploratory part to understand projections on the future of employees. In addition to the overall results and the most influential variables, the procurement method by organization allows for a comparative approach. What are the differences between companies where employees have been assessed as performing better during this distance work experience and others? What can we learn from?
Holistic workplace management: gathering KPIs through users’ involvement
The way of working of the knowledge worker has reached a turning point, for which it is necessary to rethink the models of work- time and space management. Work takes place in complex places, which are generated by the collimation of multiple and different interests, often conflicting.
Storm warning for offices
Deserted during the health crisis, heckled by the economic crisis, the office is at the center of all attention. The facts are in. Today, 80% of employees want to continue teleworking*. The reconfiguration has prompted companies to once again give massive preference to telecommuting. In the first half of 2020, new leases are 60% smaller than in 2019**. One wonders if the office, which represents the second largest expense item for companies, will be forgotten. In any case, the question is worth asking. Should you renegotiate your lease, reduce your surface area, transform your offices or sublet part of them? For companies whose employees do not want to/can't telework, what are the alternatives?
Thinking about post-Covid corporate real estate, from major trends to tailor-made
Point of view of Jean-François Couëc & Nicolas Cochard in Business Immo