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Designing the buildings of tomorrow around innovative uses and new interactions means using academic research. Because we believe in the strength of the collective and in the openness of ideas, we share here, with you, the research conducted by our experts.
Towards an acceleration in the construction of smart buildings?
2 words, 10 letters: it has become one of the most famous terms of the COVID-19 pandemic and one of its most salient facts. Overnight, millions of employees found themselves "home office" and never would this situation have occurred on such a scale without confinement. According to an OpinionWay-Square Management survey for Les Echos, nearly a third of workers have tested teleworking during the two months of confinement and 40% wish to repeat the experience on an ad hoc basis post-confinement. It didn't take much for the media to catch on to this revolution in the way people think about work. Really ? On closer inspection, the crisis has above all been an accelerator of already emerging pre-crisis trends, revealing the need to design more agile, safer working environments and resolutely oriented towards the needs of their users. In other words, revealing three essential foundations of smart building, and so many opportunities to seize them for the entire industry.
Urban and architectural conversations: the modularity of spaces in the city
Interview with Chantal Aïra-Crouan on Radio Immo about the hybridization of uses, the inside / outside trend, the building and city interconnection, new materials and construction methods, innovation and R&D at Kardham.
After the table football, the bleacher? Agility and workspace
Many tertiary development case studies highlight so-called agile spaces. They are recognizable by their fixed or modular stands, their varied furniture allowing multiple postures and writing supports of all kinds. There are different definitions of agility behind these new symbols.
In interiors – Interview de Chantal AÏRA CROUAN et David HABRIAS
Mars 2020
Interview de Chantal Aïra Crouan, architecte associée, responsable du pôle architecture Paris Île-de-France, et de David Habrias, directeur général du groupe Kardham.
In interiors – « Les freins à l’économie circulaire dans un projet d’aménagement d’espaces de travail »
Mars 2020
Le 11 février dernier, la loi relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et l’économie circulaire a été publiée au Journal Officiel, Elle est l’aboutissement de la feuille de route économie circulaire fixée par le gouvernement avec la volonté de repenser la linéarité économique.