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Designing the buildings of tomorrow around innovative uses and new interactions means using academic research. Because we believe in the strength of the collective and in the openness of ideas, we share here, with you, the research conducted by our experts.
Ecological urbanism: from greening to the ecosystem
The greening of the city is today an essential objective to make the city livable and pleasant.
Residential migration and the Covid-19 crisis: towards an urban exodus in France?
The residential desires of the French were the subject of much ink during the Covid-19 crisis. According to the press, outdoor spaces, less dense areas or nature would have made the French dream during the crisis and the months that followed.
Working remotely: what are the issues of visibility and recognition?
In recent years, many companies have begun to reconfigure their workspaces, seeking to experiment with new ways of working. The recent pandemic, by imposing a brutal despatialization of work, has been a gas pedal of the transformations underway, notably with the generalization of telecommuting. A large-scale research project conducted within a major insurance company has shed new light on what happens in terms of visibility and recognition when one works remotely.
Attractivity based working, a new paradigm for desirable environments?
The hybridization of service work - the ability to work from several different locations - questions the future of the workplace. For a year, a group of twenty experts met regularly to imagine a desirable future. Sometimes allowing themselves utopian reflections, the group built a new vision based on attractiveness and the reconciliation of the different points of view that are today exacerbated by the hybridization of work: how to reconcile individual, managerial, organizational and finally societal considerations?
The struggle for places!
How does the organizational hierarchy materialize in the hierarchy of office spaces in the company?
New management and organization methods: innovation or fad?
Since the 2010s, companies have been actively interested in new management and organization methods (NMMO): holacracy, agile companies, liberated companies or even "opal"... these are all fashionable labels that often suffer from vague definitions and confuse players more than they enlighten them to face the current organizational challenges. This does not prevent them from being the object of a strong craze, leading us to wonder whether we are facing real innovations or simple fashion effects.