Designing the buildings of tomorrow around innovative uses and new interactions means using academic research. Because we believe in the strength of the collective and in the openness of ideas, we share here, with you, the research conducted by our experts.

The hybridization of work facing the tertiary park

In cases where hybrid work is massively deployed, the subject of optimizing the workspace goes beyond the usual issues of space occupation. After a certain expansion (or sharing rate), the installation of gauges is necessary to guarantee the safety of the occupants. The diversification of spaces required by hybrid work is not compatible with all buildings. Digital is a tool for regulating arrivals and streamlining uses.

Marc Bertier

Marc Bertier

Director Surveys & Prospective

+33 1 82 97 02 02

Deploying a master plan for data through BIM: what is the interest for a client?

For large contracting authorities, controlling the building stock is a strategic issue of prime importance. The ability to control one's assets in real time then makes it possible to optimize costs and facilitate their management. BIM is therefore a means of achieving these objectives, which the example of the Grand Est region allows us to better understand.

Expert - Constance Quaglino

Constance Quaglino

BIM & Smart Project Director

Align people and their office environment

Office design has been at the heart of debates since the emergence of office buildings. However, it was not until the second half of the 20th century that the links between the occupants and the building were established. Today, research is providing more and more hard evidence that office design affects the health, happiness, engagement and productivity of employees. Also, finding an optimal solution, which aligns people with their environment, is something that many organizations hope for.

Expert - Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek

Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek

Associate Professor

Eindhoven University, The Netherlands

Expert - Vitalija Danivska

Vitalija Danivska

Workplace management and real estate business specialist

University of Aalto, Finland

Metropolization: medium-sized cities return to the forefront

As a corollary of the health crisis, teleworking has encouraged worker mobility and reshuffles the cards for tertiary real estate, with an effect: an increased polarization of medium-sized towns which tends to rebalance the relationship between metropolitan areas and the rest of the territory.

Advertorial in partnership with Business Immo.

Contact - Frédéric Miquel

Frédéric Miquel

Managing Partner

+33 6 32 90 87 58

Nicolas Cochard

Nicolas Cochard

Director of Research & Development

+33 6 42 92 53 34

The "smart & green" approach for more responsible buildings

In a context of ecological and digital transition of buildings, adopting a "smart & green" approach makes it possible to deploy smart building projects by enriching them with a real sense of environmental responsibility. An approach that seeks the right balance between digital and ecology for the benefit, always, of the user.

Chronicle published in the Journal du Net on 07/09/2021.

Reconciling building and occupant behavior: challenges and methods to support changes

In the building industry, actions aimed at achieving sustainable development goals are often focused on material, structural, technical and technological solutions. However, occupant behavior also plays an essential role in saving water and energy, reducing waste or improving the quality of sorting, for example. It is therefore important to make the link between the technique and the occupants, at all phases of a project, from design to operation-maintenance. It is about placing people at the heart of a building's energy and environmental performance.

Delphine Labbouz

Delphine Labbouz

Independent consultant-researcher, doctor in social and environmental psychology, specialist in supporting behavior changes for ecological transition