Design & Build


Development of spaces on a new site in Rueil-Malmaison in the Le Corosa building

Design & Build

Cegid wanted to bring together the teams of Astorg and the newly acquired company Loop. The design and making were carried out within a constrained schedule to ensure an architectural response in accordance with the client's charter.

See technical information

General Contractor

  • Architectural and technical design ​
  • Strategic outline ​
  • Co-design workshops ​
  • Programming​
  • Decor charter ​
  • Change management​
  • Furniture recommendations ​
  • Execution​
  • Logistics and furniture installation
Espace détente

The relaxation area is intimate, cut off from the circulation axes of the office

Espace détente

It also serves as a waiting area for visitors, out of sight


Improvised meeting or work in project mode...


... the boxes have been designed to remain open on open spaces and facilitate collaboration




Each flex office employee has their own storage locker


Spaces are open, informal exchanges are privileged

Salle de réunion

The confidentialiy of the meeting rooms is preserved by a blurred vitrophany

Technical informations


Location Rueil-Malmaison (92)
Contracting authority Cegid
Mission General Contractor
Surface 3,500 sqm
Capacity 222 workstations
Delivery 2019