Designing the buildings of tomorrow around innovative uses and new interactions means using academic research. Because we believe in the strength of the collective and in the openness of ideas, we share here, with you, the research conducted by our experts.

The demanding, conditional challenge of "performative well-being"

We propose here to mobilize the notion of "performative well-being" with regard to open spaces. In order to fully grasp this legitimate but, in some respects, paradoxical temptation, we first need to succinctly define these two protean terms, well-being and performance, in order to highlight their compatibility and dependence in terms of academic work. But in our view, it is important to go further, by highlighting two complementary conditions: organizational maturity and spatial attractiveness.

Expert - Jean-Pierre Bouchez

Jean-Pierre Bouchez

Research Director at the University of Paris-Saclay
President at Planet S@voir
Author, Advisor and International Keynote Speaker.

CSR & VSEs: the role of the territory in socially responsible HRM

Expert - Clara Aoun

Clara Aoun

Senior Lecturer in Management Sciences - Human Resources Management
University of Caen Normandy, IUT Grand Ouest Normandie
NIMEC research laboratory

How "user experience" thinking could lead to the individualized financialization of the workplace

Thinking of the working environment in terms of user experience (UX) can lead to certain excesses. This approach tends to individualize the measurement of workplace use. What's more, it transforms the assessment of their performance by focusing on flow. Finally, making individual experience more fluid carries the risk of financializing it, particularly in the case of "global cost" management strategies. Taken to extremes, these strategies enable real estate to evolve from a cost center to a profit center, by inviting employees to pay for the use of the workplace through their experience.

Marc Bertier

Marc Bertier

Director Surveys & Prospective

+33 1 82 97 02 02

Significant indicators in workspace design

With the rapid and significant evolution of our workspaces, particularly in terms of confinement, we can observe a growing range of tools and technical solutions to facilitate workspace management (presence sensors, reservation applications, etc.).

Expert - Alexandre Butin

Alexandre Butin

Doctoral student in Sociology at the University of Paris Nanterre, attached to the IDHES laboratory and in charge of research and foresight at Waitack.

Flex office, hybrid work and the challenges for managers

The question of introducing the flex office in companies (the absence of an assigned office for each individual) has come to the fore again due to the increase in the number of teleworkers, following the coronavirus health crisis, and the resulting drop in the frequency of presence in the workplace.

Expert - Anca Boboc

Anca Boboc

Researcher, sociologist of work and organizations, in the social sciences department (SENSE) at Orange Innovation

Anticipate flexibility needs

Work environments are often the response to a need expressed at a given moment. However, change in organizations is constant and faster than change in locations, and it is not uncommon for a facility to be obsolete by the time it is delivered. That's what flexibility is all about. What are the different ways to approach it?

Marc Bertier

Marc Bertier

Director Surveys & Prospective

+33 1 82 97 02 02