Design & Build

City Council of the Bad Hersfeld town district

Design & Build

The town of Bad Hersfeld planned a conceptual and structural redesign of the tourist information and ticket service areas in order to achieve certification of the tourist information office and to optimise work processes.

See technical information

Initially, an interior design assessment of 3 different areas in different existing buildings was carried out. After the city had selected the space, various interior design concepts were created.

The aim was to improve visibility from the outside, create barrier-free access and a clearly laid out area with newly created seating for visitors.

Kardham was asked to draw up the necessary plans for the selected concept and to support the client in the realization process.


Service modules

  • Project preparation, project support and regular appointments
  • Concept study and design concept
  • Detailed planning of tourist information and ticket service
  • Support with furniture selection, carpentry solutions and ordering processes


Photos ©Frank Baumhammel


Technical informations


City Bad Hersfeld
Project Owner Magistrat der Kreisstadt Bad Hersfeld
Capacity 2-3 Personen
Area 65 m²