Consulting -
Design & Build

Zurich Group - Pollux Frankfurt

Relocation of 3 locations from the Frankfurt region to Frankfurt city centre

Consulting -
Design & Build
See technical information

Customer description

The Zurich Group in Germany is part of the globally active Zurich Insurance Group. With premium income (2019) of over EUR 6 billion, investments of more than EUR 50 billion and around 4,400 employees, Zurich is one of the leading insurers in the non-life and life insurance business in Germany. It offers innovative and first-class insurance, pension and risk management solutions from a single source. Individual customer orientation and high-quality advice are top priorities.

Service modules

  • Workplace Consulting
  • Valuation, selection and assessment of properties
  • Concept and utilisation studies
  • Space planning and interior design
  • Support with furniture selection
  • User-specific development and approval of building services
  • Relocation management with utilisation concept for existing furniture
  • Support throughout the entire change management process





Photos ©Frank Baumhammel


Technical informations


City Francfort
Project Owner Zurich Gruppe Deutschland
Capaciy 1.100 employees
Area 17.500 m²
Year 2021