Every year, we design, renovate and build more than one million m² of service-sector, commercial, industrial and logistics spaces. To ensure that each m² is useful and beneficial, we foster passionate dialogue to produce ingenious solutions.

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Offsite will not happen without a profound digital and cultural transformation

Let's be clear: the often-used term "real estate industry" has never been more irrelevant. Despite technological advances, many projects are still being developed in the traditional way, using unsuitable or even obsolete tools. In the light of growing economic and environmental demands, off-site construction could provide our industry with a lever for industrialization and modernization. A way to build faster, better and cheaper. Provided we encourage innovation and a genuine culture of change.

Contact - Frédéric Maillet

Frédéric Maillet

Head of Consulting & Project Management

+33 6 71 99 37 78

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