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Kardham pursues its development strategy in Europe
February 2017

As part of its development strategy, Kardham, expert in consulting and real estate project management, continues its internationalization and signs a partnership agreement with Actidiver Inmobiliario, a real estate asset management company (offices, shops, residential) based in Madrid.
Activate Inmobiliario is managed by Patricia Node, Managing Director, whose skills and know-how in the field of construction advice and the development of real estate are recognized by professionals in the sector both in France and in Spain.
This partnership between Kardham and Actidiver Inmobiliario aims to support international companies and large French groups in their construction, rehabilitation, development or redevelopment projects in Spain and France.
Through this partnership, Kardham and Actidiver Inmobiliario are pursuing their growth strategies to offer their clients a comprehensive approach to real estate, including integrated consulting, planning and architectural services.
“Activate Inmobiliario was won over by Kardham's strategic vision, its two successful partnership experiences in Belgium and Morocco and its growth. This agreement will allow us to benefit from the stable and reputable shareholder structure of the group to develop our real estate consultancy and space planning activities", indicates Patricia Node, Managing Director of Actidiver Inmobiliario.
"This new stage in our development is an opportunity to respond, with the expertise of Actidiver Inmobiliario, to the challenge of the recovery of the Spanish real estate market after six years of crisis. Our ambition is to become a benchmark company for our French and international major account customers. To do this, we have mandated the national agency, Business France, to search for companies wishing to forge, by the end of 2017, operational partnerships in Europe”, underlines Jean-François Couëc, Chairman. from Kardham.
Immoweek - Kardham signs a partnership in Spain http://www.immoweek.fr/bureaux/actualite/kardham-signe-partenariat-espagne/
BusinessImmo - Kardham signs a partnership with a Madrid asset management company http://www.businessimmo.com/contents/79954/kardham-signe-un-partenariat-avec-une-societe-de-gestion-d-actifs -madrilene